Thursday, November 5, 2009

Google Dashboard, friend or foe?

After Google announcing Dashboard, a new program that allows you to manage all your information associated with Google, Andrew Heining of The Christian Science Monitor asks, is having all your personal data accessible in one place a good thing?

While Heining points out that the most basic concern is how easy Dashboard makes it for someone to get find all your private information in one place, his biggest fear is Google having, and accessing, all of our information. Heining writes,

"Another unintended feature of Google Dashboard? Its ability to freak us out. Yes, the concerns have been there from the beginning: ‘Give Google access to every email I send?’ ‘Tell Google where I am?’ ‘Let Google record and transcribe my phone conversations?’ But now, with Dashboard aggregating all of the aspects of our lives that we’ve signed away to Google, it’s hard to just shrug off those concerns as “privacy wonk stuff.”"

To read the rest of the article click here

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