Monday, October 5, 2009

For those interested in indy fashion media

I know that a lot of students in Indy Media said that they were interested in fashion journalism. I recently did an interview with an Australian fashion blogger and I thought her answers really applied to the goals of alternative media outlets. The blogger made an interesting point that we only ever got to hear about designers that magazines deemed important, but now through blogs we are able to access everything that is out there and decide for ourselves what we like etc.

Here is a grab from the interview :

Answering the question, what inspired you to start a blog she wrote:

"I think I pretty much started it out of frustration. I was sick of reading about yet another it-girl I didn't identify with or pictures of clothes I had seen five millions times in every magazine I picked up. I knew there was a lot more out there than what magazine just "made us" read, and I wanted to show a different angle: my angle. Write about what I liked, find more great designers no one seemed to talk about but that I personally appreciated, etc.."

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